Associated Members

Associate Members are those currently working on an academic project on Svalbard but who do not have the time to be Active Members. It also includes those who have conducted research in the past or are conducting academic research on Svalbard but where Svalbard is not the main focus of the project and those who are conducting shorter field-based projects.

If you have a project that fits this description and would like to join our group, please contact us at

Anita Man

Affiliation: Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, UK

Prof. Dr. Mathias Albert

Currently two projects in early project design phase with relation to Svalbard

Affiliation: Fakultät für Soziologie, Universität Bielefeld, Germany

Ulrich Schildberg

Planned dissertation project: From coal to…? Structural change in old mining areas 

Independent researcher and  consultant for mining and redevelopment of abandoned industrialized areas