IASSA’s Newsletter Northern Notes

IASSA’s Newsletter Northern Notes

The latest issue of Northern Notes, the newsletter of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA, has just been released. It is the first newsletter under the new presidency in Bodø, led by SSSI member Grete Hovelsrud, and contains a letter from the...
SSSI Annual Report 2021

SSSI Annual Report 2021

2021 was an eventful year for the SSSI. Check out the SSSI Annual Report 2021 to read more about our activities and projects! You can access the Annual report through this link:...
Teenagers without land

Teenagers without land

A research project on offspring of non-Norwegian migrants to Longyearbyen supported by the Svalbard Science Forum and a related photo exhibition took place in January 2022. Zdenka Sokolíčková (UiO) first disseminated her research results in the public library at a...