On 29 May, the SSSI organized the second in a series of two workshops entitled “Building transdisciplinary bridges for sustainable Svalbard and Arctic development” (link til https://www.svalbardsocialscience.com/sssi-workshop-building-transdisciplinary-bridges-for-sustainable-svalbard-and-arctic-development/), funded by the Svalbard Science Forum (Svalbard Strategic Grant). Together with natural scientists, engineers, and several representatives from Svalbard-based institutions, SSSI members discussed transdisciplinary research in the Svalbard context and how to better involve local stakeholders into such projects. We had great presentations, lively discussions, and a nice joint dinner afterwards. There was a consensus that trandsiciplinarity is a fruitful way forward to tackle many of the challenges that Svalbard is facing, and together we staked out a way for how to continue this dialogue in the future and how to better collaborate across disciplines and sectors.
A report and a co-authored article on the outcomes of the workshops are in the making, stay tuned!

Hanne H. Christiansen from UNIS presenting on the transdisciplinary project PermaMeteoCommunity.

Sarah Strand, executive director of APECS, presenting APECS’ perspectives on transdisciplinarity.

Lisbeth Iversen and Julia (SSSI) introducing the workshop and aims.

Eystein Markusson from Svalbard Museum reflecting on being involved in transdisciplinary projects.
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