Cherry Jackson

Affiliations: PhD candidate at Royal Holloway, University of London. Funded by EPSRC.



Fieldwork: 28th February 2023—6th March 2023 (completed).

14th August—24th November (tentative proposed fieldwork period).

No Clouds on the Horizon: Archiving GitHub

I am interested in understanding the lived security experience(s) of people living with(in) the Arctic, as the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly felt. I am interested in how communities and businesses build, change and pass on knowledge about life and work in the Arctic, with a particular focus on security practices, needs and perspectives. Conversely, I am interested in what, and whose, knowledge is omitted or overlooked. This involves looking at tensions between different types of knowledge and the groups of people who hold those.

Using GitHub’s use of the Arctic World Archive, located a short drive away from Longyearbyen, Svalbard in Gruve 3, to safeguard its code for approximately 10,000 years as a case study, I focus on Svalbard in particular as a series of dialectical analogues.