Jasmine Zhang
Postdoc researcher at the Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
SVALUR – Understanding Resilience and Long-Term Environmental Change in the High Arctic: Narrative-based analyses from Svalbard
Project: The importance of integrating different voices, knowledge systems and ways of knowing to our understanding of environmental change, human response and resilience is increasingly emphasized, not least in the Arctic regions. Building on previous research in Svalbard, SVALUR aims to bring together experiential knowledge generated from people who live, work or explore Svalbard and knowledge with formal scientific environmental monitoring. Jasmine’s focus in SVALUR is to use story-based approaches to capturing local environmental knowledge, and help to find out how co-produced knowledge may assist the local community to better handle changes happening on Svalbard.
Contact: jasmine.zhang@slu.se
Fieldwork will have in person and online components, and with people currently living on as well as away from Svalbard. The timing of the in-person fieldwork on Svalbard is difficult to schedule at the current stage but will be updated soon.