Lisbeth Iversen
Oslo School of Architecture & Design (AHO); NIBR/OsloMet, Norway
Supervisors: Jonny Aspen and Peter Hemmersam (AHO); Gro Sandkjær Hanssen (NIBR/OsloMet)
Project duration: 2017-2021
INTAROS / WP 4 Community based monitoring of the Arctic
PhD: A holistic & proximite approach to sustainable urban – and place led development
Lisbeth Iversen holds an adjunct position at NERSC, the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center in Bergen, with expertise on the Socio-Economic / community approach within climate research, in addition to participation in national and international networks in this field. She has been working on a case study as part of the project HIARC (Anthropogenic Heat Islands in the Arctic – Windows to the Future of the Regional Climates, Ecosystems and Societies. Case study Hammerfest). She also has a project engagementat UIB, in the CoCliServProject. Citizens Science. She is the co-lead and contributor of INTAROS WP4: Community-based monitoring, where she is responsible for the ongoing case study in Svalbard. Community-based observing aims: To enhance community based observing programs for participatory research and capacity-building in the Arctic.
Lisbeth is also part of the project Useful Arctic Knowledge – Partnership for Research and Education (UAK) funded by the INTPART program, which is closely connected to the work in the INTAROS project. The overarching goal of UAK is to build and maintain strong partnership between educational and research institution in Norway, USA and Canada.
Institution for the adjunct position: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen.
PhD Project: A holistic & proximite approach to sustainable urban – and place led development. Mobilization of people and resources. An analysis of methods and tools connected to civil society mobilization, participation and democracy in sustainable urban development.
From September 1st 2017 until August 2021 (75%), Lisbeth Iversen has been working with a Public Sector PhD with Arendal municipality in collaboration with Oslo School of Architecture & Design (AHO) as the graduating institution, and NIBR/OsloMet co-supervising. Action based research with 4 cases from Arendal, where one case is addressing mobilization of people and resources in connection with the protection and development in Raet National Parc. This case will also be addressing Longyerbyen and Svalbard as a comparative analysis. Financed by the research council of Norway and the municipality of Arendal. (Holistic planning, integrity and proximity in sustainable development of places and urban areas. An analysis of methods and tools for civil society mobilization and involvement of citizens in municipal planning processes and urban development projects.) The theoretical point of departure is an institutional management perspective, providing analytical tools to look at how the municipal planning system is both formed – and create a framework for – the interaction between different stakeholder groups. This is combined with action research and resource-based methodology associated with involvement in 4 municipal planning processes/ cases in Arendal.
1: “The City Center Room”: Participation and Citizens involvement associated with the DOGA Pilot Living Locations and the City Plan 2023, 2: “The Local District-Room”: Participation and involvement of citizens in the ongoing planning process for the development of the local district center Krøgenes, from an area characterized by shopping center functions, to a desired development with coordination of land and transport, urban qualities, good living conditions and place qualities with streets, green spaces and common meeting places. 3: “The Landscape Room”: Coastal mobilization and citizens involvement in Raet National. Combining this case with a comparative analysis from fieldwork and workshops in Longyerbyen. Park. 4: “The Municipal Room”: Civil society strategy as the basis for the Municipal Society Plan. How to ensure active participation by many actors and how can experiences from various methods and tools tell us something about which factors minimize conflicts and ensure good results, such as a rich city life, place qualities, value creation and better living conditions, and safeguard the three dimensions of the sustainability concept? The aim is to increase knowledge, competence, creativity and innovation in connection with ongoing urban and local development processes, and see plans, sectoral policies and measures in a holistic context. The project will be published in 4 articles.
Project links:
Women in the Arctic website portal:
CBM Survey Report;
CBM “Library”:
Proceedings CBM workshop Quebec City:
Proceedings CBM workshop Fairbanks: