Maaike Knol-Kauffman
University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway
Contact info: / 77646731
Delivering policy-relevant knowledge about past and projected change, risk and safety of maritime activities around Svalbard (PRISMAS)
I am social science researcher and particularly interested in issues related to marine governance and Arctic transformations. I have worked on projects related to environmental management of marine activities, marine spatial planning and more recently on the development of weather and sea ice forecasting infrastructures and their role in a changing Arctic. My work is particularly driven by the desire to understand changing relations between science, politics and society in transforming natural and institutional environments. In PRISMAS – a Fram Centre project with partners from UiT, UNIS and MET Norway – we aim to develop interdisciplinary, policy-relevant knowledge about maritime change, risk and safety in Svalbard waters. The project will run from 2020-2022.