Mathias Albert



Fakultät für Soziologie   

Universität Bielefeld, Germany

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Mathias is a professor of political science at the university of Bielefeld. His main research interests are in the history and sociology of world politics, in youth studies, as well as in the sciences and politics of the polar regions. He is the co-editor (with Dina Brode-Roger and Lisbeth Iversen) of Svalbard Imaginaries: The Making of an Arctic Archipelago (forthcoming with Palgrave in 2024).

Together with Holger Straßheim he currently runs a German Research Council-funded project on ‘The Worldviews of Ice: Constructions of the Arctic at the Science-Politics Interface’ (

Recent publications include: ‘Concluding commentary: Inter-disciplinary vistas – research on Svalbard in a local to global continuum’. Polar Record, 59: e4. (doi: 10.1017/S0032247423000013); (with S Knecht) ‘The Arctic is what scientists make of it: integrating geopolitics into informed decisionmaking.

In: Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean with Global Inclusion. Berkmann P, Young OR, Vylegzhanin AN, Øvretveit O, Balton DA (eds). Cham: Springer 2022: 365-382 (